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Since pens began companies and organisations have been attaching their names, logos and branding to them. Initially it would have been a metal pen with a message engraved onto it but with the advent of cheap plastic pens and more refined printing techniques, personalised pens became ubiquitous.
Nowadays almost every company and organisation, from small businesses to massive corporations have issued printed branded pens for both internal and external advertising.
Promotional pens are easily one of the cheapest and most popular routes to getting your business known. Not only can you have your pens with logos on them, you can also have them branded with your slogan and website address too. Sounds odd when you think driving traffic to your website with printed pens but hey, it really works.

Golf Goody Bags

Custom printed fabric wristband examples

Eco Promotional Pens
Printed pens are inexpensive and consequently can be left lying around anywhere or handed out by the truck load at conferences and exhibitions. Getting your personalised pens out there inevitably allows them to be passed around from person to person and place to place, all the while advertising your company logo along the way.
Many companies opt to have personalized pens made to send out with goody bags to clients and potential clients. These promo pens almost always go on the recipient’s desk, all the time advertising to the user of the company that sent it to them.
Not having branded pens has become unthinkable for many organisations with the customer facing aspects of large institutions while some s have their pens personalised for each specific campaign. Perhaps it should be like this for all businesses or all sizes. After all, there are so many different types of pens available, with a massive array of colours, styles, sizes and uses that there’s no real excuse for not having one that perfectly reflects your business out there doing some promotional advertising for you.
Some points to consider about promotional pens:
If you’ve decided on a campaign using promotional pens consider then following advice:
- As we’ve mentioned, there are tons of styles and types of pens to choose from. Be sure to try and get one that really suits your company style or utility.
- Have a strategy for the way you hand out your promo pens. You may want to reach specific types of people or you may just want to get one in the hand of everyone you meet. Handing them out at events and conferences has always been a very popular way to distribute them to the right people.
- Make sure your personalized promotional pens are sufficiently attractive as pens and that your company branding is clear and simple. No-one wants a garish looking pen in their pocket so sometimes the simplest design goes the distance.
Branded pens are just one of a wide range of promotional products you can choose to get your business noticed and start getting that all important business rolling in. Other items include personalised golf gifts, printed microfibre cloths, lanyards and many more.